Freedom Accelerator Course

Create freedom from skills you ALREADY have - the RIGHT WAY.

You’re sick of piece-mealing your business strategy, you need a roadmap to build a solid business foundation, this is our step-by-step program to do just that. Take the path to get you to the freedom and flexibility that your soul yearns for.

Freedom Igniter 1-1 Coaching

You’re making money in your freelancing business, but you’re not where you want to be. Reaching 6 figures on your own can be hard.

We looked at the common denominators of why and where people get stuck and we curated this 1-1 experience just for you.

We bring our expertise, you bring your magic.

Small-Group Coaching…

Getting things done, but could do more if you had some inspiration and accountability?

You already started your business, but you keep getting stuck or feel like you’re spinning your wheels doing this by yourself. Entrepreneurship can be lonely, but not here!

We have an awesome community of creative problem solvers.

We meet weekly in a Zoom setting for accountability, to share common strategies to overcome obstacles, and to surround ourselves with like-minded entrepreneurs. We always learn something and the networking is an added bonus.

14-Day Freedom Kickstart Challenge

If you are ready to work when you want, where you want, and how you want…to do life on YOUR terms…

But you’re short on time and you don’t want to be on social media all the time, then this 14-Day Freedom Kickstart is for YOU.

This is an interactive daily email challenge with EASY strategies to get your new service-based business LAUNCHED FAST so you can start earning money!

Work From Home Central

You’re a DIY kinda gal. And you need to see ALLLLLLLL the options.

If you are looking to examine all the ways to earn money from home (without selling your soul or getting scammed) then this membership is for you. We condensed all of our knowledge from our combined 25+ years of business and work from home experience into THIS membership. It gives you a “lay of the land” without the cr*p. You can decide what work from home options work for your family right now based on your current circumstances.

Freedom & Beyond 1-1 Program

If you are an established business owner looking to start an additional business outside of freelancing with a mentor that will help you create a plan tailored just for you, then this could be the right fit.

If you’re tired of endless courses, programs, and big promises, then you’re in for a treat. This program has no curriculum or videos, and instead relies on the wisdom of Tara & Nicole’s combined business experience over 30 years across multiple industries to bring your product or service to the world.

Clarity Call

If you just need to get all your business ideas out of your head to make sense of them or need help getting direction on where you should take your current business, we’ve got you covered! We offer a 1-1 Clarity Call for just $100. You have direct access to Tara for 60 minutes to get clarity and create a game plan once and for all!

This time is tailored to YOU.