The #1 Skill Freelancers Need To Succeed

I see so many freelancers fail at this one crucial point. Let me explain this scenario…

You connect with a potential client. You’re vibing and feeling like this person is going to be a good fit for the service that you provide.

They write or say, “Yes - I’ll sign that contract and get it back to you tomorrow! I’m so excited to work with you!”

Then they ghost you.

Tomorrow comes and goes…no contract.

You’re sad and frustrated and think, “I’ll give them another day or two and they will get it back to me by then, surely!”

That day passes and still: no contract. And no explanation.

“How rude!” you think to yourself.

You give them another week…nothing.

That’s when you start doubting yourself.

“They don’t like me! I am never going to be successful at this!!! I wonder what I did wrong?”

Here’s the thing.

You don’t actually know what’s going on with them. Because you didn’t do proper follow up.

Business owners are busy people. They have life things come up just like the rest of us. If someone expressed interest in your service because it solves a problem that they have; then they haven’t suddenly lost interest - they still have that problem. Without a solution. Life just got in the way and they had emergent things pop up.

This is why you need to be PROACTIVE and follow up. You aren’t “bothering them” if they expressed interest. You are reminding them. Like your dentist office calls and reminds you of your appointment tomorrow.

The one who follows up is the one who gets the money - and shows that they are consistent and professional.

The greatest skill I’ve learned in freelancing is to follow up.

“Not following up with your prospects [potential clients] is the same as filling up your bathtub without first putting the stopper in the drain.”

— Michelle Moore


“Freelancing is Unstable.”


Is there such a thing as a work-life balance?